Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"Wanted" & "Get Smart" Movie Review

So I Saw this movie the day it came out(kinda late on my review). I had high expectations and was excited to see this movie. The action was good no doubt and the fighting was not allot but most the movie was about mind games. I loved that the Fraternity he joined ended up being the bad guys, its a good change from the typical Matrix type movies. I also like they didn't really make a long dumb love story, which is typical in every movie these days, yes in one scene they kiss but that was just to make his ex girlfriend jealous. But Yeah overall the movie wasn't as great as i expected but still it was a good movie, so go see it. Its worth seeing in the theater.

Also late on this review, but this movie hands down was the best movie i seen this summer. Steve Carrel always makes me laugh he is a very talented actor, no matter what movie he is in he makes it fun. But yes this movie was good the action was good, somewhat cheese in some parts but still good scenes. Ann Hathaway was good in this movie they compliment each other well and work together well. I don't wanna give anything away just go see this movie its so worth it!!

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